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Poly Shutters (10th Jul 20 at 1:12am UTC)Quote Reply
"Love the light and how it affects our lives, our emotions, and our homes. The summer solstice on Sunday, June 21 is a special day to celebrate light and fantasy. In Southern California, the sun rises at 5:41 am Pacific Standard Time The sun sets at 8:59 pm, which is the longest time of day in the year. The sun rises high in the sky, and when it starts to fall, the sun seems to almost stop, then change direction, on a downward southern path The solstice comes from "sol", which means the sun, and "stitium" means stop. Although the sun is at its highest point on the summer solstice, the light shines on the earth at the most direct angle, but after midsummer night, our sunshine time will follow With the official start of the first day of summer, it decreases. No wonder this major event contains so much magic and mystery. As William Shakespeare meditated in "A Midsummer Night's Dream"...
Sleeping and dreaming are necessary for our happiness Cafe Style Shutters. When we embrace the light, our sleep mode is challenged with brighter and richer light. New statistics show that we (14 years old and above) sleep on average 8 hours and 44 minutes a day. Our working hours are reduced because watching TV is still our number one hobby, but the ease and popularity of smart devices sitting in front of the "big screen" continue to erode us. "Reading and social activities are reduced, surfing the Internet, social media and video games occupy more of our leisure time, which is not surprising." Whether you are in line with this model, or choose to be a "retro" Or "rebellious" people, sleep time and rest time more than ever need to calm down the overactive and overstimulated brain. As a reminder, all light can interfere with sleep, but the blue wavelengths released by electronic products such as TVs, computer screens, and smart devices can interfere with the suprachiasmatic nucleus of our brain, which produces the sleep hormone melatonin. Melatonin causes a feeling of sleep when night falls. Our body naturally desires a dark room to get the best good sleep, and we need to be vigilant to protect our sleeping space from all kinds of disturbances.
Here are some of my favorite bedroom window treatment ideas to make your bedroom soft and comfortable. Don't deceive yourself into a bad sleep. Remove the aluminum foil or black poster board attached to the window and control the light in a stylish way!
Roll shadow
Roller shading is the simplest and most economical method of window treatment, which can protect you from the glare of nasty street lights, full moon or sunrise. The roller is smooth and simple, suitable for smoothly entering the window frame. You will still get some light sliding in from the side, but if you install the curtain behind the roller, the curtain will fit closer to the window. An external installation can also be considered to add additional coverage. Our nostalgic vinyl black shade really provides the greatest light penetration because the three-layer vinyl material provides the greatest thickness.
2. The shadow of the cell
The hive shadow is a window treatment method that replicates the honeycomb pattern made by bees in the honeycomb, and is one of the most popular styles because they move up and down the window and almost disappear at the top. But at night, honeycomb eyeshadow and black eyeliner not only add a fresh, modern atmosphere to your bedroom, but also a warrior against light. For the ultimate darkness in the room, the sleep curtain is the best. This is the only window treatment that prevents any weak light from leaking from the edges. The additional side rails are installed close to the window. The sleep curtain is a heavy curtain, which adds weight to your window, but the window makes you unable to sleep when you open your eyes!
3. Roman blind
Roman color is a soft window treatment that provides a more decorative bedroom. If the style is higher than the dark tones of the room, if you choose Roman colors, you definitely need black eyeliner. I cannot deny that the Romans will increase the appearance of the bedroom, and will increase comfort and talent when you relax and end your day. Some light will overflow from the edges. If you install Romans outside the window, leave extra width and length to provide more space for the edges and create a dark room.
4. Fabric
Curtains cover the entire bedroom, covering the entire space from top to bottom, and all light is blocked. Curtains are like blankets on windows, enclosing the room and wrapping you in a comfortable swaddle. You need to use an eyeliner to darken the room. If you don’t want to cover the window with heavy curtains during the day Poly Shutters, you can also choose transparent or translucent curtains, and then add a blackout curtain to close at night to keep your room dark. These two sets of curtains will provide soft light during the day, and the room is more conducive to sleep at night. If you sleep very lightly and need to sleep in the darkest room possible, you can add any curtains to the above three window treatment methods to obtain maximum coverage. The sense of hierarchy is omnipotent, adding another style dimension to the bedroom.
We spend a lot of time sleeping and relaxing, so don't ignore the bedroom. The treatment of windows in the living room requires special consideration in controlling light and showing good taste. Your bedroom should be surrounded by your sleepy soul, so you can wake up every morning and get a new look!
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