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Isabel Baker

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welding hats (2nd Dec 20 at 5:40am UTC)Quote Reply
After their return, these Jewish Israelis have chosen exile, what welding hats perhaps is to be the last exile in Jewish history. In their own minds at least, they have left Israel and, to boot, their Jewishness too, even as both are celebrated. Obviously, though, one cannot leave one's background. Regardless of their self-understanding, even in their leave-taking, they remain Israeli and Jewish. It is best to see these prophets as Still/Former Jewish/Israelis.

These Still/Former Jewish/Israelis are a tough bunch. They refuse the safe confines of a nuclearized Jewish ghetto and choose instead exile among cultures and nations that formerly persecuted Jews and remain profoundly ambivalent about them. Moreover, by leaving Israel they transgress Jewish and Christian Holocaust theology that sees empowerment of Jews in Israel as the redemptive response to Jewish powerlessness that terminated in the Holocaust. Choosing instead to wander within and among the Other Nations, they are also western hats alienated by their experience and language from traditional Diaspora Jews.

Few Diaspora Jews want the real Israel at their doorstep. Like German Christians, Diaspora Jews prefer, indeed demand, an idealized version of Jewishness. Israeli Jews who have left Israel have little patience with the idealism vested in them. They 10 gallon hat know what they have done. They know what Israel has done.These Still/Former Jewish/Israelis have been the Jewish boots on the ground. They have returned to the Promised Land, served in the military, done the dirty work of occupation and expansion and now refuse the rescue of their embracing religious and national ethos.

This is because, unlike Jews who long to return to innocence, and their Christian counterparts who use Jews to return to their innocence, the Still/Former Jewish/Israelis know the score. Jewish and Christian Innocence is culpability. That culpability is endless.Is the "no rescue" Jewish prophetic, then, the last astros hat word on faith? After all, these Jewish prophets carry forward a tradition that, at least in its origins, is based on God's command. It could be that the contemporary Jewish prophetic has simply internalized God's command in a context where claiming God for prophetic witness seems unjustifiable, childish and, more, triumphalist.

However, anyone who observes Jewish post-Holocaust life from a dispassionate distance can see it for what it is  an interconnected web of ascendancy and power.Being on the other side of empire power for so long, who can criticize Jews for deciding that is their turn for power, even if it is at the expense of another people's suffering. After all, Germany has made the same decision after the Holocaust and with help from these very same Constantinian Jews who, in their own self-serving way, limit their critique to the German past. And if the choice were theirs to make, who among the nations would choose any other route, regardless of the cost?

Here is what dissenting Jews and Christians  and people of conscience of all faiths and backgrounds  must understand about the proposed solutions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: there baby boy hats will never be  I repeat, never be  a two-state solution where a real Palestinian state emerges. By a real Palestinian state, I mean a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital, all of the West Bank for Palestinians without any Jewish settlers and settlements, and with a protected link to a free Gaza. No political analyst worth his or her grain of salt believes that there will be a real Palestinian state and certainly no one anywhere, including the Palestinian negotiators, believe that this was [img] boy hats-424ary.jpg[/img] on the table during the latest rounds of peace negotiations.
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